Future Worn Out New One, catalogue by Sven Bergelt / by Claire Farrell

Future Worn Out New One
Sven Bergelt
48 pages + 8 pages supplement
Copies: 96 numbered

Texts by Anneka French and an in-conversation between the architect Glenn Howells and Sven Bergelt.

The catalogue "Future Worn Out New One" is a documentation of a site-specific installation by Sven Bergelt. Created during his three month residency in Birmingham at Glenn Howells Architects. The residency was part of exchange@2015.le an artist exchange programme between the sister cities of Leipzig & Birmingham, as part of the 1000 year birthday of the city of Leipzig. The exchange programme was initiated by Leipzig based arts organisation Halle14 in partnership with Birmingham based arts organisation WERK & Glenn Howells Architects.

In ‘Future Worn Out New One’ Bergelt deals with the urban development and the visual image of Birmingham. His installation was exhibited in the office of Glenn Howells Architects. The catalogue is made up of photographic documentation of the work and is accompanied with an introduction by the art critic Anneka French, as well as an in-conversation between Bergelt and Glenn Howells. Furthermore a supplement in the book documented the second version of the work "Chapter II: Re-construction" that was presented in the Halle14 in Leipzig.


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